Studying abroad can not only be an exciting and enjoyable prospect but also quite beneficial for your career development. However, it is not without its own set of challenges and difficulties. One of the major obstacles students faces while studying abroad is language barriers. If your native language is not widely used at your chosen study abroad destination, then it can make communicating with those around you quite difficult. Even the smallest of tasks like grocery shopping or asking for directions can become painstaking in such circumstances. For anyone studying abroad, it is just as essential to overcome language barriers as it is to work on your course. So, here are a few tips you can follow to overcome these language barriers.

  1. Do your homework beforehand

It is always a good idea to prepare yourself before you leave for your study destination. While learning to communicate in a new language can seem intimidating, it is essential to study the basics beforehand such as numbers and frequently used phrases like yes, no, okay, thank you, please, and help. This way, you will at least be able to take on small communications like apologizing to someone or asking where the bathroom is. It can also grant you a small level of comfort and confidence and is one of the best ways to overcome language barriers.

  1. Do not feel embarrassed or shy

Whether you feel embarrassed over pronouncing a simple word incorrectly or afraid that others will judge you for your incomprehensible speaking skills, do not revert to your native language and shy away from at least trying. Everyone makes mistakes. Just grow a thick skin and do not give in to the embarrassment or fear. If you are determined to overcome language barriers, then understand that sometimes it is alright to fail. And, it is nothing but a huge step towards learning.

  1. Invest in a good dictionary

Getting a comprehensive dictionary can go a long way in your efforts to overcome language barriers. It provides an effective method of getting familiar with various language nuances and local phrases. Whenever you hear a new word or phrase, just refer to a trustworthy dictionary and expand your vocabulary in an embarrassment-free way.

  1. Befriend the locals

There is no better way to overcome language barriers than making local friends who can help you understand the local culture and language. Not only conversing with them can help you practice but they can also give you helpful pointers to communicate better in their country. Simply listening to your local friends converse can be a great way for you to learn. As an added bonus, since they are your friends, you would not have to worry about being embarrassed if you make any silly mistakes.

  1. Watch TV shows and movies

One of the safest ways to overcome language barriers is by watching as many movies and TV shows in that language as you can. You can get a good grip on the language by watching the characters converse with one another. You can also choose to switch on the subtitles in your native language to better understand each dialogue.

So, keep these tips in mind if you are choosing a study abroad destination where your native language is not used widely. Do not let the language berries stop you from choosing a course that suits you the best.

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